10 reasons to walk

There isn't even enough space here to include all the benefits of walking. As an ultra-runner I know all about walking in training and races! Y’all… its all about MOVING MILES.

Walking is simple to do, most healthy people can do it even if it might seem hard at first, and you can do it almost anywhere at any time. The only special equipment you need are good walking shoes, and then you are good to go. Awww yeah moving miles is as simple as putting one step in front of the other.

1. Burns Calories – Walking burns calories like any other exercise without impact and stress.

2. Builds a Strong Heart – Working out always helps your heart because you cause your cardiovascular system to work a little harder, which is good for it when you're healthy. Keeping your heart strong will keep you alive much longer. A little giddy-up in your walk can improve cardiovascular health…so step it up and move miles.

3. Builds Better Bone Health – As we age, our bones become more brittle and we experience more pain. This can lead to broken bones and other issues. But if you keep walking and moving, you'll be less likely to develop those problems.

4. Improves Balance and Coordination – The more you use your body, the more it works for you. Walking more often improves your balance and coordination because your body gets used to standing upright and moving more often. It's a matter of practice and getting the muscles and ligaments strong.

5. Improves Your Lung Capacity – Walking, especially fast walking, will get your breathing up and cause you to build your lung capacity. Usually it takes about six to eight weeks of cardiovascular workouts to see the full improvement that you can experience.

6. Boosts Your Immunity – Getting your blood pumping andyour cardiovascular system working will also boost your immunity from regular common illnesses like colds.

7. Energizes You – Anytime you're feeling tired for no reason, try going on a fast, ten-20min walk and you'll find that you have much more energy. This is one reason a fast walk is an excellent way to wake up in the morning.

8. Improves Your Mental Health and Mood – A nice walk in nature can vastly improve your mental health and mood. If you are feeling down, getting out in nature for a leisurely walk can help.

9. Strengthens and Tone Your Leg Muscles – There is no hiding the fact that walkers have good legs, but it does also improve muscle tone all over your body - especially if you work on getting your arms in on the action and pay close attention to your glutes and core muscles.

10. Boosts Your Creativity – Anytime you're having a glutof good ideas for anything you're trying to accomplish, going for a walk without technology, just you and nature, you'll get a boost of creativity that will carry you through. Being in creation inspires creativity.

Movement in the form of excercise is is medicine for creating change in a persons physical, emotional and mental state. ~unknown.

Nikki Blanton